Actions Speak Louder Than Words
As a picture paints a thousand words, a finely played demonstration can quickly explain what many words can…actions really do speak louder than words. A good leader I’ve learned, is one who leads by example. Whether its teaching my many students or life in general, my little Huey has reminded me that what I do matters. What I do is the embodiment of what I believe.
Dance Like Someone’s Watching!
I know the quote “dance like no-one’s watching” but how wonderful would it be to dance with the confidence, safety and reassurance of a child, knowing that someone is watching and celebrating with us?
The Art of Listening
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder – perhaps the beauty of music is in the ear of the listener! Sound images are powerful, just as visual images. The more we listen the more detailed our sound images become and the better we replicate, recreate or self-create the sound worlds we desire.
Chords of Unity
We are all united by the melodies which we create, the meanings they define for us, and the memories they perpetuate.